Saturday, August 23, 2008

Reflection of Fluid Thoughts Workshop

As it is the first time for me getting in touch with workshop, everything seems new to me. Also I have no sense for drawing as I am an engineering student. To my surprise, the four-week workshop is really intresting and rewarding, and never gives me any pressure.

The drawings of using different tones and sketching in Week 1 are the beginning of this workshop, which focused more on the feeling of objects' tones and shapes rather than actual drawing. I really enjoyed it because it gave students the chance to communicat and exchange ideas.

In following three weeks, we mainly focus on the Opera House. It is really memorable for the Opera House trip as it was the first time that we learned outside the campus. Moreover, from this trip I learned how to make a proper drawing such like how to shading and how to measure. The main assignment for week 3 is the collaboration work with our partners such as the simultaneous drawing and then putting them together. We also did presentations for our own drawings and expressed artists' theory. During the process of finishing our project, I have learned how to use charcoal to make big drawing and how to understand what my partner want to express. Pat is fabulous and helped me a lot. Thanks!!!

This is just the start of converting our thoughts to action, which is an essential skill in architecture. I have getting started in this field and learned a lot from this workshop. It is a really fantastic period for this course.

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